Actividades SEGHNP

Criterios de la SEGHNP para avalar actividades. Todo socio de la SEGHNP con interés en los grupos, con disponibilidad para participar en las actividades y proyectos de las distintas líneas de trabajo.

ESPGHAN Masterclass on Coeliac Disease

Organiza: ESPGHAN


Coeliac Disease (CD) represents an important part of the burden of paediatric gastrointestinal illness so that almost all paediatric gastroenterologists worldwide have to deal with CD diagnosing in management. Over the last 50 years ESPGHAN has been the leading scientific society establishing the diagnostic and management rules for the disease all over the world and CD is in turn ever since one of the golden flags of our Society. Furthermore, research in CD, both basic sciences and clinical oriented, is continuously producing a vast amount of new knowledge. Thus for paediatric gastroenterologists updating in CD, which is an evident need but also a genuine challenge, can best be achieved through a well-structured educational activity as the proposed Masterclass.  The aim of this Master Class is to fill this gap of knowledge, using both classical and modern interactive educational tools.

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