Actividades SEGHNP

Criterios de la SEGHNP para avalar actividades. Todo socio de la SEGHNP con interés en los grupos, con disponibilidad para participar en las actividades y proyectos de las distintas líneas de trabajo.

ESPGHAN Monothematic Conference: Management of Progressive Liver Diseases

Organiza: Comité de Hepatología de la ESPGHAN


The monothematic conference aims to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art knowledge of the pathophysiology of the cellular and immunological mechanisms leading to fibrosis and progression to cirrhosis. The expert speakers will provide an update about the current management of ‘ reversible liver diseases’ and ‘irreversible liver diseases’ including the complications related to chronic liver diseases in children and young adults.

There will be focused discussion about the potential therapeutic targets for halting the progression of fibrosis in ‘irreversible liver disease’. The conference will also provide a platform to further research into current and potential anti-fibrotic therapies and reach our final goal of halting/reversing progression of all liver diseases.
The program will include slots for oral case presentations and attendees will be invited to submit cases for presentation and discussion.

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