Actividades SEGHNP

Criterios de la SEGHNP para avalar actividades. Todo socio de la SEGHNP con interés en los grupos, con disponibilidad para participar en las actividades y proyectos de las distintas líneas de trabajo.

28th Annual Congress European Childhood Obesity Group

Organiza: Grupo Portugues para el Estudio y la Investigación de la Obesidad Pediátrica (GNEIOP)

28th Annual Congress European Childhood Obesity Group

A good-practice regarding prevention, diagnosis and multidisciplinary treatment of pediatric obesity is a compromise of all who work in the field. Pediatricians, GPs, Nutritionists, Psychologists and Sports professionals, not only working in clinical approach but also in research, must be committed to this public health drama. In fact, pediatric obesity, despite all efforts around the world, remains one of the most important questions of concern regarding public health. The tracking of pediatric obesity as well as cardiometabolic comorbidities, from infancy to adulthood, is the real proof that if we cannot stop the pediatric obesity pandemia we are jeopardizing the future generation health.

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